Interior designing refers to the art of decorating a room or building.This profession has been a consequence of the development of society. Interior design is a science that is bound to its own principles and rules. The designers use 7 basic elements as tools before designing.
- Line, give birth to forms and define shapes. Lines are broadly categorized into three types ; Vertical, Horizontal and Dynamic. This can be thick or thin, smooth or jagged or can be hand drawn. Combing lines results in specific design, effects and feelings. Different types of lines have different designs. An interior designer must know how to utilize the lines in best possible way to create a specific design.
- Space, is the area provided for a particular purpose and it is one of the most important elements of interior design. Space acts as a base on which the entire interior design plan is built. Space is divided into two types namely – Two Dimensional Space which covers the floor and Three Dimensional Space which forms the living space. A space that is filled with essential things consider as Positive space and the empty one is called Negative space.
- Forms, In general forms mean shapes and can be created by combining two or more shapes and can be enhanced by texture and color. It has length, width, depth as well as volume and mass. Two types of forms are Geometric(i.e man made) and Natural(i.e organic form).
- Light, the most obvious element of interior designing. Without light other elements like color, texture and pattern have no significance at all. It highlights the every other element including space, line and forms.
- Color, the key element of interior design. Color makes a connection between objects and must be selected according to the taste of individuals. Colors are categorized into Primary and Secondary Color. Moreover, they are sub-categorized into Tertiary, Complementary, Analogous and Monochromatic colors.
- Texture, is defined as the appearance or quality of a surface. Texture adds depth and interest into a living space. Texture may be rough or smooth, wet or dry, hard or soft, shinny or matte, slick or sticky.
- Pattern, work along with multiple colors. Patterns tell a story of design giving it a great attractive look. Patterns can be of any shape.
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